In the Autism Lifespan resource office we provide a Lending Library of books, CDs, and DVDs. The topics cover all aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder and related developmental disabilities. Autism Lifespan also offers a vast amount of pamphlets, brochures, and fliers on local services and events. We are continuously gathering and providing information on topics related to Autism, and the organizations that provide regional and national services. There are two well-educated, office employees available to answer questions and provide information during office hours or by appointment.
Resource Links

Autism Facts
Get the facts on Autism.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as defined by Autism Lifespan is: A neurological disorder that impairs the development of a person's ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is referred to as a spectrum disorder- meaning the symptoms can occur in any combination and with varying degrees of severity.

Lifespan Lending Library
List of Available Books
Autism Lifespan has a free lending library containing over 500 books, videos, DVDs, and curriculum materials spanning the autism spectrum. Requests for materials can be made by contacting us at (530) 897-0900 or email Three items may be borrowed at a time, and materials are available for three weeks from the date they are checked out.

Lifespan Center Store
The Lifespan Center Store features items and toys that assist in developing pretend play skills, social & language skills, and sensory & fine motor skills for children 4-12 years old. We also offer autism awareness merchandise. The Lifespan Center Store is open durning Little Red Hen's Children's Progams and Autism Lifespan's Office Hours

Children's Programs
Since 1993, Little Red Hen has established quality programs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Chico area to learn and grow through unique and exciting activities. Little Red Hen's Lifespan is the home for Little Red Hen's many children, teen, and young adult programs.

Resource Links
Click to download
Adults services and programs PDF
General Businesses and Services PDF
National Autism Services and Information PDF
Teacher Resources for Special Needs External Link