What is the HCBS Conference? Why is Little Red Hen there?
HCBS is the acronym for Home and Community Based Services and the #HCBSConference is ADvancing States' national conference that brings together state, federal, and local policymakers as well as leaders who administer, manage, and deliver waiver and other HCBS programs. HCBS legislation informs services that are delivered to adults and children with developmental disabilities.
The purpose of the HCBS Conference is to share practices and policies that improve state systems delivering long-term services and supports (LTSS) for all ages and abilities.
Little Red Hen is in attendance to demonstrate that adherence to HCBS guidelines is possible and important. We could not think of a better way to demonstrate HCBS guidelines in action than to support a team of adults with developmental disabilities in traveling across the country to educate the nations stakeholders.
In their own words, the LRH team shares their moment by moment success. Alex W. eloquently stated that "we have a really popular booth and people really see the vision of what we do". Sam Di. adds that the booth design "appeals to the eyes because of the pictures" and Andrew St., shares "this booth is wonderful because we have gotten a lot of customers and have given away a lot of our stuff". Frankie G. shares that his team is doing an exemplary job telling our story and "we've received a lot of compliments on both our booth set up as well as how we are doing a great job explaining what we do as an organization."
Way to go team!
Posted by Gabrielle Green
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