LRH Online’s New Location
We received an early Christmas present...
a new home to hang our hats!
Excitement is in the air around here with the Online Team. With the success of our department we have been given the opportunity to move from an office inside the Vintage Hen Warehouse to a new, larger office space next to Chico's long time favorite deli, Spiterie’s. This new location doubles the square footage and gives our hard working staff more elbow room, even enough to bring in two new staff members. Yay!! Welcome Thea, Senior Staff Assistant and Emily, Staff Trainee.
It all started about 5 years ago with a small dedicated Online team; Andrea, Staff Assistant, has been an important part of Little Red Hen's digital evolution from that beginning. Selling items on Etsy, to eBay, and now to working with our very treasured, we are learning and growing step by step.
“Not only is the new office our location, meaning we are the first you would encounter when visiting, but it also gives us a chance to grow and expand, not just us but also for Little Red Hen as a whole” - Andrea
Mykee, Staff Trainee shown on the right, has been working with the Online team for almost 4 years:
"Here at Online we work on the online boutique, making sure products get properly into the inventory section. We also work on photos in Photoshop to make them look their best, and, whenever there is a problem on the website, we learn what the problem is in the code to fix it- so it can work on whatever device you are on!” -Mykee
With a Few Friends
Along with the Online team, a few friends will be moving in. The LRH Promotions team will come in for closer collaboration and creative expansion. Park & Garden will also join us with an office inside 971 East Ave.
What started as a small team in the back of Little Red Hen’s Kitchen Store has grown and expanded into an informative non-profit website with its e-commerce store featuring over 1000 unique gift and kitchen items. We are so thankful for our new home!
Posted by Online Staff
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- Tags: Little Red Hen, Non Profit, Online Boutique, Online Rules, Retail with a Purpose, Shop Local
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