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Little Red Hen's Blog

Fathers Day

June 18th is a day to celebrate the fathers (or father figures) in our lives. Some of our staff at Little Red Hen wanted to share what their fathers taught them about moving forward as an adult, while others share messages to their Dads that have passed on. Some of our staff are parents to kids on the spectrum themselves.

It (Father) Figures

 While many of us have had the traditional two-parent nuclear family, the unconventional father figures out there are just as important. Stepfathers, single dads, grandfathers, and other father figures can step into the role taking the place of a traditional Dad.

Fatherhood at Little Red Hen

Fatherhood is always a challenge, and if you happen to be a child on the spectrum who was raised by your dad, or are a dad yourself, here at Little Red Hen we have a unique perspective. 

What does your Dad (or being one) Mean to you? 

"A Dad is someone who supports you when you need it and gives you encouragement when you are trying to figure out problems on your own." 

-William M, Online

"My Dad is someone who is there for me no matter what and makes time to support me regardless of how busy he is."

-Alex M, Little Red Hen Vintage

"A dad means being someone for your kid to look up too. To be there to teach and guide them into what kind of person they should aspire to be."

Sam De, Online

What does your dad think about you working at Little Red Hen? 

"My dad sees it as a very positive thing for the community and he likes that it puts me in a position to offer help to others." 

-Meghean S, Gift Shop

"If he was still around I think he would be proud of what I have accomplished and the friends I have made."

-William M, Online

What lessons has your Dad passed onto you? (or what would you pass on) 

"My stepdad has really stepped up to the plate and taught me the importance of honesty and right and wrong. He also has encouraged me to be patient with myself when I need it." 

-Meghean S, Gift Shop

"A lesson my dad has passed onto me is the importance of being responsible with money. He has warned about the dangers of paying for things with credit. And what things I should be frugal on, and when I should be okay with spending extra money on the things I need."

-Alex M, Little Red Hen Vintage

"When you're going out in the world to look for a job, remember that its not just about money. Find the things you find interesting, are passionate about, and the rest will come in time." 

-Sam De, Online 

Little Red Hen wishes everyone a Happy Father's Day. This June 18th, Fire up the grill and take a moment to appreciate the father figures in your life. 

Posted by Sam DeLong

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