Vintage Hen's New Downtown Location
Vintage Hen has moved to a brand new downtown location! Our new home next to the Garden Walk Mall is twice as big, providing even more room for Vintage Hen’s selection of unique treasures. This new location introduces Vintage Hen, and Little Red Hen as a whole, to more customers than ever before.
Moving all those vintage goodies to a brand new location can be a daunting task, fortunately our staff from multiple Little Red Hen locations came together and worked hard to move box upon box of memories filled with vintage collectibles and vintage re-purposed furniture, often re-painted and sanded to imperfect old-school glory.
With some heavy lifting and little bit of team work, everything was able to get moved into the new location in just one day.
Now that Vintage Hen is open at it's awesome downtown location, Vintage Hen staff Noel S. & Vintage Assistant Ariele W. are excited to be setting up some cool and creative new displays. Come on by the new and improved home of the Vintage Hen, just look for the striped awning!
Vintage Hen is now located at 215 Main Street
Posted by Online Staff
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