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From Chico to Dubai: LRH's Thea goes to The Special Olympics

Hi, I’m Thea. I work at Little Red Hen, but I’m also an Olympian with Special Olympics. I recently traveled to Delaware for Special Olympics USA to train for Golf. The experience I had while I was there was exciting.Thea on the Bus to Special Olympics Training in Delaware.

The first day I attended a Game Night at the University of Delaware. They set up different booths, which had different games set up for us to play. There was a relay game we played where we had to walk with an egg on a spoon and then hit a ball into a garbage can. We also played Four Square, which is a game where four people stand in one square each and try to get the other person out. We got our faces painted before going down into the gymnasium to throw footballs and basketballs into a hoop. I kept trying to get it into the hoop until I made it.

Game Night at the University of Delaware

The next day we played golf at Twin Pines Golf Links in New Jersey. The Golf Course was wet, green, and really nice. We played Alternate Hit, a game where I  hit the ball, then my Unified partner Jessye hits the ball. So we took turns hitting the golf ball. We got to use golf carts to go out to our different holes to play. Jessye and I shot a 61 and 58 out on the Golf Course. And we got better as we played Alternate Hit. My partner and I were improved from a 12 under par to a 1 under par. The best part of that day was driving over a pond and going over to the other side of the fairway.

The on the Golf Course

We had lunch in their restaurant and we got information on golf rules for when we go to the Special Olympics World Summer Games in March, which will be in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. They gave us USA Golf Grips to put on our golf clubs so we could represent the Special Olympics USA Golf Team and that was pretty awesome. They also gave us a big bag travel to put our things in.

Our next stop was Philadelphia to see the Philadelphia Phillies and the New York Mets play. We sat on the First Base side of the field. We also got baseball jerseys to wear to the game and a coupon to get in the game and purchase food. We all had a great time. We walked around with our coach Christine, who took me to purchase souvenirs for my friends back home. Then we walked around the entire baseball stadium deck and listened to all of the baseball fans roar as the game went on. 

We got to meet some people from the UAE Embassy in Washington, D.C. They had 2 booths set up so we could take pictures while wearing a hijab, which is the kind of headscarf the women wear back in Abu Dhabi. The other booth was for people to get their name written on in Arabic. ESPN was also there filming commercials for the Special Olympics World Games and I got to be a part of the commercial with my Unified Partner Jessye.

Thea and her partner Jessye

I had a great time at my practice for the Special Olympics World Summer Games and I am really looking forward to my trip in Abu Dhabi to participate in the games. I can’t wait to tell you all about it when I get back in March!


Posted by Online Staff

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